
elliot Thomas

Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA
Member since January 20th, 2013

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The guys and I have been watching the weather like hawks. Anything over freezing cold and windy has been good enough to get the waders on. We've been out here a few times through December and January, including New Years Day. But this is the first fish I've caught since December 2nd.

Apparently the CT DEP has been stocking broodstock salmon for years now. Some guys that I've talked to love the fishing. Other guys seem to look down their noses at it. Personally, anything that bends the rod is good enough for me. Especially when it's about the only fishing to be had through the winter months!

Posted 12 years ago

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Yesterday six of us went fishing (some more experienced anglers than others). Only one of us caught anything (luckily it was me). That was enough fuel to the fire to get us out again today. Today's fish was bigger, 32" long and just over 8 lbs.

Apparently the CT DEP has been stocking broodstock salmon for years now. Some guys that I've talked to love the fishing. Other guys seem to look down their noses at it. Personally, anything that bends the rod is good enough for me. Especially when it's about the only fishing to be had through the winter months!

Posted 12 years ago

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I wasn't sure what to expect on my first trip to catch stocked salmon. On the ride there I asked how many we were allowed to catch/keep. My buddy replied "There's six of us, if one of us catches a fish, it's a decent day."

Apparently the CT DEP has been stocking broodstock salmon for years now. Some guys that I've talked to love the fishing. Other guys seem to look down their noses at it. Personally, anything that bends the rod is good enough for me. Especially when it's about the only fishing to be had through the winter months!

Posted 12 years ago

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