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Va Flyfishing.

Group Info:

Name:  Va Flyfishing.


Anyone who loves flyfishing for any fish.



Dave Overstrom

Bob Buckner



steve perkins

chip mangus


ben troxel

Eric Miles

Christopher grandmaison

Dan K


Stan Crampton

Greg Brundage

Evan Sahinovic

Mark Sleeper

You must be a member in order to add messages to this discussion.


08/10/13 07:42 AM
Hello roaminangler. Glad you took time to check us out and glad to have you join. Been a little wile getting back online but hope to here from you again soon. good luck and leave at lest one in the water for me. Bob_1

04/24/11 02:22 PM
Huge Brookies in Tennessee are available , 14 to 20 inchers , go to www.tnwildlife.org for more info .

04/13/11 09:56 AM
Here is an Alabama Rainbw , 20 incher . The state along with Ala. Power stock 3500 every other month behind Smith Dam in central AL.

04/13/11 09:25 AM
bob1 I notice group membership is a matter of point , click , and you're in . Istarted flycasting @ 1968 and my dad got me a tying kit to get me started . In the last year I've had little time to tie again but I'm making time . Stripes on the fly is a passion of mine but I don't pass up any species . Ihope to contribute some stuff to the group and invite anyone in this group to point and click TYERS & LIARS ,

04/28/09 10:41 AM
i just got back from a flyfishing trip in the keys

07/06/08 01:04 PM
Being the river was muddy today I went to the mountains. The trout where hitting nymphs and I lost count but the catch was in the high teens or low twenty's. The water was low and clear witch caught me off guard with all the storms we have had. but it was a good day and I was joined by a little buck about 2 o'clock for a few min. (more photos on my profile)

07/03/08 11:30 AM
Had a day of many species today. Spotted bass,smallies,blue gills,red eyes, and a cat fish all on the fly. It was a good day caught 19 smallies most in the 8-10" range in buggers and orange rabbit strips.

06/24/08 05:32 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
New River

The moss in new river is finally starting to go away. The smallies have not got totally aggressive yet but I thank it wont be long before they get all fired up and they may already be in other parts of the river but it is starting to pick up a bit. Landed one 12in smallies today and two others followed him in and as you may have guessed they where a little bigger I would say in the 14 to 15in range. But had fun and that is what it all about.

06/22/08 04:38 AM
Bugg and I hit White Top Saturday the water is very low and clear. Long leaders and a stealth approach are necessary. We did catch a lot of fish in the 6-8 in. range. Bows and browns mostly in the faster water. The long pools were hard to fish do to low water and the fish are spooky. It is like fishing in late summer water already I hope we get more rain.

06/16/08 05:33 AM
Flyfished the beaver dam reservoir yesterday. The water was at a normal level unlike last year due to the drought. Was hoping to pull some smallies out of the water but only managed bluegill. Was using a black beaded wooly bugger.

06/15/08 11:51 AM
Went to the NF Holston today and caught a lot of 8-10 in. smallies and missed a huge one that may have beatin my PB on a fly of 18". Caught several on top water and the rest on my giant buggers that bob_1 and Bugg make fun of.

06/13/08 02:03 PM
Bugg and I went to the New River and floated Rich Creek to Glenn Lyn today. We caught 20+ smallies on flies and spinning gear. The grass or moss was horrible, we had to clean our lures just about every time we made a cast.The day turned out well though caught fish, learned a little about canoing and had a good day. This was the first time I had ever been in a canoe and loved it time for me to get one . I think if the grass had not been as thick as it was we would have landed a lot more smallies ...

06/12/08 05:15 PM
I just moved from the Roanoke area in October. What I can say about flyfishing that area is if you can find a farm pond and have access to it you can teach enthusiasm for fly fishing from about 8:20 until dark (until the 15 of July) all your students have to do is touch the water with a popper! Also, a well kept secret in Va. is the south holston river in mendota one trip will have you dreaming about your return creel is 1 fish per day over 20 for SMALLMOUTH!!! 2# regular!!

06/08/08 04:04 PM
Did good today but not great , manage to bring 13 smallies to hand and lots of red eyes but that was it. I spooked 3 carp trying to get a fly in front of them oh well.
The river at Fries is still not as good as in the past don't know why. Maybe I can talk Bugg into going to the Greenbrier next saturday and trying the new canoe out .

06/06/08 04:55 PM
Well the size 6 white zonker done the trick. It seems that a smaller fly is best for noe but the bigger ones will starte working when it gets hot I hope. Sorry I have no pics but I tried a new trick with me camera that did not work ver well. That did not hurt the fishing any I must go for now but will be back soon. Hook and land the big one and if you can show me your pics.


06/04/08 10:20 AM
Redeye's are the only think I could put to hand. Had a very big smallie hit me as I was picking up to cast again but when I set the hook he was not there.
Thats know surprise though is it. Also had on two small bass for a little fight that was good to feel the pull of something big enough to pull and fight a little. I am going to downsize inthe norning and try again. Hope to hook up with that bigone that hit me today. Hey flyroddinva you may be right about the size fly you are throwing I went from a size 6 to a size 2/0 and did no good whatso ever went back to the size 6 and landed a few. I don't have any pic's from today but tomorrow I hope to have some. Keep on the water and fish. If you hit a good day let us know. Tell any of your friends to check in from time to time and if they like tell them to join up.

06/03/08 05:31 PM
Well ben tying flys getting ready and tomorrow morning I will get them all a try. Hope to have some pics to share but don't get your hopes up it has been a long dryspell for me with the flyrod this year.

06/02/08 12:34 PM
Foster Falls (New) was not very good Sunday don't know if the fish where not there of if they had lock jaw or what. I fished with a fly most of the day then switched to spinning gear to see if the fishing would get better but it didn't. But i did get to land my first carp on a fly for the year. Approx. 22in and in the 8-10lb range.

05/30/08 05:55 PM
hey ya'll the bass were slow on thursday...but those stocker trout made up for it.(kinda) oh yea.....I was on Wolf Creek in Bland co. sorry no pics, maybe next time. Most fish came on a black woolybugger#12,deep and slow in moderate current ...anyhoo tight lines

05/20/08 11:26 AM
That may be a good trip but I thank I would go without the bro no kindding of corse Let me know how it goes and send pics

05/13/08 12:03 PM
bob the grubs i tied working well on reed creek so i think its time to try the river with them. going up to hinton on sat. we will see how they do below the dam there.

05/02/08 08:59 PM
Last Sunday I went trout fishing up in MD. We used little Black Brassie's. Basiclly black wire wound around a small 22 nymph hook, with a silver bead head. Took several rainbows and some rockbass on these. Then went to lake and caught a nice 5 lbs bass on an oversized Mickey Finn. Sometimes the old time flys still work the best.

04/29/08 08:58 AM
Has anyone been flyfishing for smallmouth this year? If so have you hooked any and what are they hitting? Last year I done my best on black or olive wooly buggers.

04/24/08 11:28 AM
Been fishing for stocked rainbow in the delayed harvest section of peak creek in pulaski va. I started fishing this water in oct 07 and have cough a lot of trout on copper johns and black or ollive woolybuggers. I cough my first redeye yesterday while trout fishing so I think it is about time to hit the river whit the flyrod.

04/23/08 05:52 PM
Hi there. Where are they rising?

04/23/08 01:18 PM
Fly fishing is my passion, and it all started while going to school in the Shenandoah Valley. Thanks for creating this group.

04/23/08 11:50 AM
Lets see if we can find any flyfisherman???

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Date Established:
Apr 23, 2008

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# Members: 16
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