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"Get Hooked on Hawaii"

Crappie Fisherman

Group Info:

Name:  Crappie Fisherman


Hey everyone,
It's user rlt in Alabama, I was just testing the group function and wanted to know if I'm the only serious crappie fisherman around?


Crappie fishermen welcome to join the group and if you want to catch more crappie, go to this site - http://www.systemsalesmachine.com/app/?Clk=2469008. Also, check this site out - http://www.systemsalesmachine.com/app/?af=802116. It cost nothing to look and you owe it to yourself to go see. Check out my blogs in Alabama Fish Finder site.


Robert Taylor

Brady Tew

Teresa Irving

axle Holland

Daniel Duke

Clay Tew

Doug S

Christopher grandmaison

Jeff Closser

Tony W

Tony W

Mike H


Nicholas Zarvis

M DeLauro

Bob Jones

Josh Taylor

John Davis Jr

You must be a member in order to add messages to this discussion.


04/18/11 01:59 AM
I filleted out 81 crappie this past Saturday morning that were caught this past Thursday and Friday. The smallest that I kept was 11" the largest was 16 3/4 " a lot of crappie were in the 12" to 14" size. All were caught below our local lock and dam.

02/02/11 06:58 AM
Just wanted to know if anyone is catching any crappie lately, if so, how deep and how?


12/27/10 02:08 AM
Hey everyone,
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, I know I did. Went fishing on the 23 and 24 of December. I was fishing large treetops out in the main river with minnows. I filleted 35 nice crappie Friday afternoon. The fish were about 8 to 10 foot deep in the treetops in about 20 foot of water. The surface temperature was at around 48 degrees.
Talk to ya'll later,


12/15/10 02:43 AM
Hey everyone,
It's rlt here. I just wanted to share a little secret with my fellow members. I will not tell you all of my secrets but, if you want to become a better crappie fisherman learn all you can about fishing before, during and after a full moon and a new moon. I will tell you this much, the moon has more of a effect on fish, animals and even us humans than you will ever know. If one could see the exact time and day of the month of all of the trophy book recorded fish and animals that are recorded, they are all caught or killed before, during or after a full moon or new moon. Trust me on this my fellow fishermen it has never failed me yet. Start looking at solunar tables and go from there. Once you learn to read the signs of the moon and its phases I promise, you will become a better fisherman. The weather plays a big part in this also but, that's another story. That's all the time I have for now.

Gone fishing,


10/26/10 10:35 AM
Hey everyone,
It will not be long here in West central al. before the shad start moving into the sloughs and the crappie will follow them to feed before really cold weather sets in. I don't catch as many this time of year but, I do catch bigger fish. I usually can find them in the pre-spawm areas and spawn areas this time of year but, they are usually in tight schools and hard to locate without a good depth finder. I also wanted to share something with my fishing group that a lot of crappie fishermen have probably never witnessed before. If you ever see what looks like an upside down christmas tree on your depth finder, it is a large school of crappie. I have witnessed this before and you can catch your limit if you fish the outside edge of the school. If you try to fish the inside of the school and catch a crappie, you will scare them off and will have to wait until they school back up and good luck in trying to find them again. I have seen them move as much as 50 yards away from where you first found them on the depth finder.
Gone fishing,


10/26/10 10:08 AM
Hey everyone,
I don't clame to know everything but I do have 45 plus years of crappie fishing experience and if ya'll have a question feel free to ask me and I will try to get back to you when I have time.
Gone fishing,


08/17/10 08:26 AM
Man I love crappie fishing. They come in great numbers and put up a good fight. Trollin' mister twisters and bouncin' the trout mag are my favorite techniques

07/10/10 07:10 AM
Hey, I love crappie fishing and when ever I find a hole I always catch a lot of fish. A lot of fish. Did anyone ever here of or use a trout magnet? There incredible. For more information on the trout mag. go to

09/09/08 03:23 AM
Hey everyone,
I have been reading post from other fishermen and also looking at the signs and it looks like we may have a late fall crappie fishing season this year here in Alabama. Lake reports in the Northern part of the state and local Mother Nature signs make me believe this also.

07/16/08 10:08 AM
Hey everyone,
I just thought I would add another picture in for good measure. I think this good be a good group if I can just get some members. We could keep each other up todate on crappie fishing tactics and techniques.
Gone Fishing,

07/16/08 10:00 AM
Hey everyone,
Send me a message with your e-mail address if you are intersted in joining this group. Members welcome.
Gone Fishing,

07/15/08 04:06 AM
Hey everyone,
Here is a nice little article on crappie jigs - http://www.articlesbase.com/sports-and-fitness-articles/the-jig-is-up-for-crappie-423956.html .
Gone Fishing,

07/14/08 08:43 AM
Hey everyone,
Anybody wanting to join must send me a message with your e-mail address. Also, I'm working on the article posts, some do not want to copy and paste correctly. There is some really good stuff in those articles.

07/14/08 06:35 AM
Sorry everyone, some of the articles copy and paste and some do not.

07/14/08 06:23 AM
Here is a good article on live bait for crappie fishing - http://ezinearticles.com/?Live-Bait-for-Crappie&id=851892. Have a look, its free.
Gone Fishing,

07/14/08 06:21 AM
Here is a crappie fishing technique article that also has a section for a lot of other questions and answers on it - http://ezinearticles.com/?Crappie-Fishing-Technique---What-You-Should-Do&id=851894. Have a look, its free.
Gone Fishing,

07/14/08 06:12 AM
Hey everyone,
It's user rlt and I just wanted to tell everyone that we have a long crappie harvest here in West Central Alabama due to the warm climate here. We can catch crappie here with ease for about 9 months out of the year. We have a 30 crappie limit and the minimum length is 9".

Misc Info

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Date Established:
Jul 11, 2008

Type: Public
Visibility: National
# Members: 18
Views: 36645

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