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"Get Hooked on Hawaii"

Carp Hunters

Group Info:

Name:  Carp Hunters


This group is for anyone that has interest in catching Carp that put up "real" fights!




james hogrell

Lewis Germany


chad welch

Fred Fischbach





tom woodbury

tom woodbury

Tony C

Jim K

ian greenan

Doug S

joe leroy

Bob & Sandy Belcher

Dan Dunbar

Ernie Austin

simon macalister



Craig Ratte

Christopher grandmaison

View all 97 members

You must be a member in order to add messages to this discussion.


05/23/19 06:32 PM
caught 17 carp on tuesday and kinda new to carp fishing but really becoming my go to fishing if anyone from nj would like to go fishing

08/14/16 03:38 PM
Had a killer session today after the night of rain landing ten anybody else been on the banks lately

06/03/15 04:05 AM
I have not been fishing for Carp in over 14 years, used to fish for them in UK. just reading about them is giving me the carp bug again. Would love to take my wife to catch some. Any suggestions for locations near Maine, Possibly NH. I would be happy to catch them any size from 1 pound up, as i am to far to do any prebaiting and can not pre bait waters here in maine.

08/05/14 03:05 PM
any suggestions for bait while fishing creeks for carp?

11/12/13 08:48 AM
caught on a cold ass day.

11/06/13 06:26 PM
Great to see more and more anglers appreciating carp and thinking of them as a true gamefish.... If any of you are from South Jersey or fish in south jersey please join a newly started group. CARPING IN SOUTH JERSEY.... looking forward to you joining in... tight lines!

10/09/13 04:47 AM
anyone looking for someone to go carp fishing with message me. i usually fish the merrimack in nashua or lowell

05/04/13 12:51 AM
Wild Carp Club of New England Fish-In 5 of 2013

September 15th: Connecticut River 8:00am - 4:00pm
Charter Oak Landing
50 Reserve Rd.
Hartford, CT.
***2013 Connecticut Freshwater Fishing License Is Required***
***100% FREE to participate***
***Public is welcome to participate***
***Experienced and inexperienced anglers are welcome and will enjoy the event***

05/04/13 12:50 AM
Wild Carp Club of New England Fish-In 4 of 2013

August 18th: Indian Lake 8:00am - 4:00pm
Shore Park
115 Shore Dr.
Worcester, MA.
***2013 Massachusetts Freshwater Fishing License Is Required***
***100% FREE to participate***
***Public is welcome to participate***
***Experienced and inexperienced anglers are welcome and will enjoy the event***

General Information: This fertile 204-acre warm water pond, also called North Pond, is situated in the northern part of Worcester. It is bounded on the east by Route 12 and I-190 and on the west by Route 122A. The water is brownish in color with a transparency of only five feet. The mean and maximum depths are eight and 15 feet
respectively. The bottom is muck and rock. The shoreline is heavily developed with residential dwellings and commercial

Access: A paved boat-launching ramp is provided by the city off of Salisbury Street (Route 122A). The parking area can accommodate approximately 25 cars.

Management History: Managed as a warmwater fishery.

Fish Populations: The fish population was most recently studied during a 1996 summer survey. Eleven species were collected including white perch, yellow perch, largemouth bass, golden shiner, black crappies, bluegills, pumpkinseeds, yellow bullheads, brown bullheads, carp and white suckers. Northern pike were captured during other sampling efforts in 1994. The lake has been stocked with northern pike and tiger muskies on a fairly regular basis beginning in 1981.

Fishing: Game and panfish populations in Indian Lake are abundant. Several tiger muskie and northern pike stockings over the past two decades offer any angler the potential to catch a large trophy. There is also a good largemouth bass population here and sufficient panfish numbers to provide plenty of recreational fishing. There appears to be some improvement in the average size of yellow perch and black crappies since the pike and tigers were introduced, and “calicos” over a pound in weight are commonly taken.

***The lake is also a favorite with carp anglers. Most of the carp here appear to be of the “mirror” variety, displaying only a few
large scales. They put up an excellent battle and can provide plenty of excitement when hooked on light spinning tackle.***

(All info regarding Indian Lake is provided courtesy of Mass Division of Fish and Wildlife)

05/04/13 12:49 AM
Wild Carp Club of New England Fish-In 3 of 2013

July 14th Merrimack River 7:00am - 3:00pm
John E. Sheehy Memorial Park
501 Pawtucket St.
Lowell, MA. 01854

***2013 Massachusetts Freshwater Fishing License Is Required***
***100% FREE to participate***
***Public is welcome to participate***
***Experienced and inexperienced anglers are welcome and will enjoy the event***

This is the same location as our past Merrimack River fish-ins. So for any past participants, you know where to find us! In case you don't see any of us, there is a little brick building/pumping station within the park, you'll be able to find atleast some of us behind it!

05/04/13 12:48 AM
Wild Carp Club of New England Fish-In 2 of 2013

June 23: Lake Quannapowitt 8:00am - 4:00pm
The event headquarters/meeting place will be located at 365 North Ave. Wakefield, MA.
***2013 Massachusetts Freshwater Fishing License Is Required***
***100% FREE to participate***
***Public is welcome to participate***
***Experienced and inexperienced anglers are welcome and will enjoy the event***

This fertile, 254-acre pond, also known as Quannapowitt Reservoir, is located less than a quarter mile from Route 128 in Wakefield. Maximum depth is only 11 feet; average depth is six feet. The bottom is composed of gravel and mud. Aquatic vegetation is abundant, but limited primarily to the shallows along the marshy western and northern shores. Transparency is poor at four feet, and caused by an abundance of suspended algae. The shorelines are moderately
developed with residential homes.

Public access is provided by a boat ramp located at the southwestern end of the lake off Northern Avenue. It is suitable for small trailer boats, car top boats and canoes. The parking area can accommodate up to 10 vehicles. Shore fishing is possible along most of the southern shore thanks to a town park and cemetery.

This lake was last surveyed in 1979, at which time eight warm water species were recorded: largemouth bass, chain pickerel, white perch, yellow perch, bluegill, pumpkinseed, brown bullhead and golden shiner. The chain pickerel and white perch dominated the sample. Tiger muskie fingerlings were stocked here on several occasions from 1978 to 1991.

Despite its obvious fertility, this lake does not appear to be very productive. Operations directed at sampling tiger muskies in the spring of 1992 failed to find any of these fish, although presumably some have survived and reached legal size (28 inches). Chain pickerel — historically the number one gamefish here — appear to have declined dramatically. The only fish, which appear abundant, are the white perch. Overall, it appears that this lake supports fish populations of low density, but it regularly produces individual fish — largemouth bass, yellow perch and bluegills — of large size. It is the availability of these scarce lunkers that provides the best incentive to fish this pond, but anglers could do well by targeting the white perch. During the warm months, try trolling a tiny spinner rigged with a worm-baited trailer hook. Jigging through the ice could also be very productive. (All info regarding Lake Quannapowitt is provided courtesy of Mass Division of Fish and Wildlife)

One more thing I'd like to add is that there is an abundant population of Common Carp as well as a minimal population of Mirror Carp in this lake!

05/04/13 12:47 AM
Wild Carp Club of New England Fish-In 1 of 2013

May 5th: Watershops Pond 8:00am - 4:00pm
Fish-In Headquarters will be at
514 Alden St.
Springfield, MA. 01109
As usual, it is 100% free to participate in the fish-in!
***2013 Massachusetts Freshwater Fishing License Is Required***
***100% FREE to participate***
***Public is welcome to participate***
***Experienced and inexperienced anglers are welcome and will enjoy the event***

This 186-acre warm water pond has just under seven miles of heavily developed shoreline. Watercolor is brown with a transparency of only three feet. The bottom is muck, with some limited areas of sand and rock. Maximum depth is 21 feet and aquatic vegetation is heavy. This pond is an impoundment of the Mill River and is also fed by Schneelock Brook and numerous street drains. During the summer months there is severe deoxgenation below a depth of five feet. There is no formal boat launching or parking area, but access is possible off Alden Street for car top boats and canoes only. No motors are allowed. Watershops Pond can be located on the U.S.G.S. topographical quad map titled “Springfield South.” Nearby fishing areas include Fivemile Pond, Loon Pond, Lake Lorraine and the Connecticut River.

A 1979 fish population assessment found 15 species. Resident gamefish include largemouth bass and chain pickerel. Brown and rainbow trout are stocked in the spring as part of an inner city program. Nongame species are yellow perch, black crappie, pumpkinseed, bluegill, white perch, killifish, golden shiner, white sucker, channel catfish and carp.

There is a good, well-balanced bass population here with adequate stocks of quality fish 12 inches or better. Chain pickerel don’t seem to do as well, but there are some good fish. The spring-stocked trout do not carry over through the summer months, but they do provide some good fishing, primarily from late April through mid May. Panfish are abundant and yellow perch are over populated, under harvested and stunted. Black crappie and bluegill are under weight for their size and the harvesting of these fish is encouraged to prevent stunting. Channel catfish are scarce, but large carp are abundant.(All of the info regarding Watershops Pond is provided courtesy of Mass Division of Fish and Wildlife)

03/31/13 02:33 PM

Getting the website streamlined, posting some of the old blogs in prep for the new season. Changed it up to focus more on written blogs and videos.

03/29/13 08:02 AM
Yeah gonna have to have a look sometime...

10/23/12 07:53 AM
The Carp are back in at Lake Quinsig.....

09/21/12 10:52 AM
Hi All, What are the good places around Nashua, NH to fish for carp or crucian?

07/13/12 05:56 PM
so i love to fish and i love to fish for carp, but can anybody tell me what is a cheap but successful way to catch carp bigger than 5-8 poudnds?. the only thing i use at the moment is a weight hook and some corn (i dont quite have the hair rig thing down)

05/28/12 03:24 PM
I don't know any specific spots along the river in NH, but to be fair the whole of the river holds em pretty much. If you can find yourself a nice stretch, possibly a back current, drop off, sand bar, drainage etc your likely to find some fish. Most of the difficulty of that river in both states is finding shore access to be honest.

05/27/12 12:37 PM

I remember catching Carp when i was younger with my Aunt and Uncle. I have been fishing again the last couple years but have failed to find a good spot in NH to catch them again. Does anyone have any good spots along the Merrimack river in NH.

05/06/12 05:12 PM
Hard not to catch a fish that has the eating ability of this guy..biggest lips on a carp I have seen..attached to a low 20 common!

03/26/12 02:38 PM
Thanks for having me, i will do my best to up hold the great fight hahahahaa

03/26/12 01:13 PM
# 2

03/26/12 01:11 PM
Hi all the Carp fisherman. Just went Carp fishing few day's ago got two so far this year. Going out again very soon... Good luck to you all.

03/20/12 04:57 AM
So i just started fishing again last season and I want to really get into it this year. I live along the merrimack in Lowell and have been told Carp is a great fish to go for. Can anyone give me tips and ideas on where and what to use

03/20/12 04:54 AM
So i just started fishing again last season and I want to really get into it this year. I live along the merrimack in Lowell and have been told Carp is a great fish to go for. Can anyone give me tips and ideas on where and what to use

02/19/12 03:50 AM
Does anyone know of a good spot to catch golden shiners in central ct? i figured maybe you guys would because your carp fishermen

02/01/12 07:27 AM
Weather has been great this year..ok not if you like ice fishing or snow shoeing but for carp fishing it is wicked!

01/12/12 04:19 AM
Nice, and welcome. Your on a great section of the river up that way!

Blackstone is still providing a bite, Mistral Pop-ups working well for me producing over 20 fish this month for me including a couple of high teens..still seeking the 2 or 3 resident 20's of this hole, for the year.

01/04/12 07:14 AM
Carp Fishing

I want to get back into carp fishing, and would like to learn more about the sport, and possibly meet up with some folks to do some carp fishing. I live just a little walking distance to the Merrimack River in Haverhill Ma.

09/20/11 02:11 PM
Great to get fish in such perfect condition some days..not a scratch on it, even the mouth really shows no signs of previous catches....unusual for the farm which gets a good amount of fishing pressure year round.

08/27/11 05:47 AM
Sorry bud I don't...Mainly fish Massachusetts and Rhode Island myself, never really been to NY fishing.

On another note the nights have been crazy for me with some great fish coming out.

08/07/11 06:33 AM
anyone know about lake meahagh in cortland county new york

07/11/11 08:59 PM
just an enquiry... has anyone fished Dudley pond in Wellsley? for Carp i mean

07/04/11 02:43 PM
Happy 4th! Hope everyone had as good a day as I did!

06/29/11 05:43 AM
Another great mirror from Rhode Island. I've been having great luck with DAT Food sweet corn flavored bright yellow boilies down that stretch of the Blackstone

This one was 16 pounds on the nose

06/27/11 04:57 PM
Good to see you getting some great fishing done Jason. Those are some good looking fish man.

06/27/11 04:55 PM
Also we have a few new videos up including one of my favorites!


06/27/11 04:52 PM
Gawd I've been away from my computer for soooo long heh, no time to type when there are so many fish to be had.

Been hitting the banks hard though all over and landing some great fish. Like this Beaut of a mirror out of Rhode Island.

05/23/11 08:54 PM
Check out this link to the Wild Carp Club of New England's 3rd fish-in of the 2011 season! It's open to the public, free to participate and the only requirement is that you must have a Valid 2011 Massachusetts Freshwater Fishing License!!!


05/17/11 06:43 AM
Here's just one of the "Water Pigs" available to be caught in the Res! By the way... It was caught on Water Pig Project X Bait!!! ;)

05/17/11 06:43 AM
Here's one common carp caught in Beantown recently... Many more caught as well!

03/22/11 05:14 AM
The Wild Carp Companies, Wild Carp Club of New England and Wild Carp Club of New York are all now in full-swing! Feel free to check out all of our websites for more information from us pro's on anything to do with carp and carp fishing!

Wild Carp Companies Link: http://www.wildcarpcompanies.com/index.html

Wild Carp Club of New York Link: http://www.facebook.com/Carpmaster/posts/125622600842765?ref=notif¬if_t=feed_comment#!/home.php?sk=group_160120464046352¬if_t=group_added_to_group

Wild Carp Club of New England Link: http://www.facebook.com/Carpmaster/posts/125622600842765?ref=notif¬if_t=feed_comment#!/home.php?sk=group_109479249133043&ap=1

Waterpig Carpbaits and Gear Link: http://www.wildcarpcompanies.com/wild-carp-companies-for-anglers/water-pig.html

03/16/11 05:35 PM
Myself and everyone else from Wild Carp Club of New England are pleased to announce the 2011 Wild Carp Club of New England event schedule!

2011 Wild Carp Club of New England Event Schedule is as follows:

Sunday April 10, 2011 8am - 4pm
~Charles River (Lower Basin, Boston/Cambridge, MA)

Sunday May 15, 2011 8am - 4pm
~Brookline Reservoir (Brookline, MA)

Sunday June 12, 2011 8am - 4pm
~Blackstone River (Uxbridge, MA)

Sunday July 10, 2011 8am - 4pm
~Merrimack River (Lowell, MA)

Sunday August 14, 2011 8am - 4pm
~Indian Lake (Worcester, MA)

Sunday September 11, 2011 8am - 4pm
~Club Championship at Flax Pond (Lynn, MA)

The club and all events are open to the public, they're all free and the only requirement to participate in the events is that you "MUST" have a valid 2011 Massachusetts Freshwater Fishing License!!!


You can find us on facebook at:


Hope to see you all there!!! :)

03/12/11 04:16 PM
Hello, hello, hello. Had no idea you guys were here. Late start this year as my big fish winter spot is gonzo, but got some decent fish to very high teens, including this ghostie. Won't be long until my hunt for a 50+ resumes. Got big 40's last year here in MA, now for the 50...;)

02/17/11 10:14 AM
Something that carp hunters should try is bow fishing for the carp. It's a lot of fun and a really big challenge...especially when you go out in a boat on a river to hunt down the fish.

12/31/10 06:56 PM
Hey carpies! David here in SC.
Ive been a big fan of carp since I was a kid. We used to catch them in Wisconsin and back then they were considered junk fish... just something to do for fun.
But I always remembered the great fun and action I had catching them and am hoping to get into some this year.
So if any of you are from SC, hit me up!

12/22/10 05:01 PM
Weather is cold..but the fishing is going. Nothing major in size yet, starting my quest for a winter 20 again! Remember folks dress for the weather, layers layers layers.. I prefer doing layers to big coats for mobility and in case it warms up you can shed layers.

Underlayer should be thin and wick moisture away, middle layer should pull the moisture and insulate you, outer layer should be breathable, allow moisture to escape but keep the wind and rain out. You can double up on the middle layers as needed to increase warmth. I find that fingerless gloves are awesome with a pair of thick mittens to go over them. Mittens are good because they keep your fingers together which means warmer and they are easy on and off with fingerless liners!

Dress for the weather and you can have a great time, even during snow storms like today!

12/18/10 06:14 PM
Mid december with water temps hitting closer to 30 then 35 and the fish are still there. I've switched tactics going with a subtler presentation as well as using some new tackle like the Polaris Float Bodied Waggler size 5...absolutely amazing for detecting subtle winter bites. It pays off banking me some great fish that most anglers would never have even known were there!

11/28/10 03:11 AM
35 degree water , a bit of anise and black pepper and a nice pink hot spot from the post below landed me this great low double mirror.

11/28/10 03:10 AM
Water is getting cold but the fish have still been feeding..although slowly heh. Bright colors can be a plus this time of the year..getting noticed and getting curious fish to nibble is the way to go..Anise and Black pepper for the win!

11/10/10 12:49 PM
Trying to keep up with Ezra I had to up the stakes a bit and landed this great 27 pound 2 ounce common from the mouth of the Pow-Wow

11/07/10 12:35 AM
Ezra just banked a great new PB fish! His old personal best was 23 pounds and this beaut took it by 3 pounds. Chick peas and sweet corn were the bait that lead to a great 10 minute fight in deep water to nab this awesome 26 lb 9 oz fish.

Sadly we forgot the camera, alarms and lunch at home so it was a short day and the only photo we could get was via cell phone.

11/05/10 01:39 PM
Double boilies, light colored scopex have been working well for me, on a size 6 hook, fished over a coarse corn meal, oats and bread crumb ground bait.

this is the 24 lb 1 oz

11/05/10 01:38 PM
Slower day today with 8 hours only seeing 2 fish but they were stunning fish coming in at 24 lb 1 oz and 23 lb 12 oz

The 23 pictured here was one of the fattest carp I have ever caught. Many times they are long and lean here this one was just round!

10/31/10 03:18 PM
Even with the cold weather fast approaching the fish have still been pounding our lines. We had a great day out today with this great brace of low 20's among the highlights!

10/18/10 03:42 AM
Love the fat fall fish...some of my favorite times are now with less people on the banks and bigger fish to be had. Ahhh fall...here's a lovely mirror from the Merrimack River. 1 of 6 fish that day..two biggest hitting 24 and 26 pounds.

07/18/10 01:33 PM
Gentle People,
Being new to the carp could or would any of you be willing to tell me what to use for bait. The fly fishing is a ball, but I would like to try light tackle and see how that works. I enjoy the fight but I only keep about less than a third of all fish caught. Not real big on eating, just love to feel the "pull".

07/16/10 04:27 PM
Tuesday, July 12, hooked into a big boy. Stripped out about six feet of backing, got into the fast water and I got to respool my reel. Now I am not complaining but that was kind of a real nasty thing to do. Kind of makes a guy want to cry seeing as the line was only about three days on the spool.

06/18/10 07:33 PM
# 7

06/15/10 06:16 PM
# 6 for the year , caught on floating bread, 6lb. test

06/13/10 04:22 PM
Hey Ted. not bad weight in total there.

I have had success now on a few wooley buggers in any shade of brown or olive. I also like a pattern called Henry's crayfish. ( http://flyanglersonline.com/flytying/fotw2/112700fotw.php ) It is a simple to tie, hook facing up pattern that is useful for sight fishing carp. Casting a bit away from them then using slow steady movements to draw their attention.
While I know it isn't considered "purist", I have also been tying simple spun deer hair flies on size 8 dry fly hooks to look like dog pellets or bread. The deer hair sits just nicely under/in the surface when placed a few free offerings for some explosive top water action.

06/13/10 12:59 PM
Before the water went bad I caught seven, this gave me a combined weight of just under 38 pounds.

06/13/10 12:57 PM
Bedlem what are you using? I have found that the larger hares ears, wooley buggers in a dune color work very well when they are just below the surface and not actually surfacing.

06/13/10 12:55 PM
How do you do? I live in Clarkston, WA on the Snake River. The past three years I have been having a real ball catching carp with flies. They hit like trout but they pull like mules. People around here think I'm nuts when I tell them what I am fishing for, and how. Any of you tried this? I can assure you it is a great way to spend the day.

06/11/10 12:52 PM
I was just in a carp tourny last week there was around 10 or 12 three man teams . my team was about 3lbs. away from 3rd place not bad for our first tourny i think. il get em next time...

06/10/10 06:32 AM
Hey..this is Bedlem though I finally got around to changing profiles so my name matches what our group does now.

Anyway I said the other day I was going to try my hand at fly fishing them..with some good results!

06/07/10 12:36 PM
#4 this year not as big as my others

05/27/10 04:51 PM
Gonna try my hand at fly fishing for em tomorrow. I have a rod from a long time ago..5/6 weight that I got some new line and that for. Should be enough for the canal..considering I stink at fly fishing I'm not even sure I'll get into any heh..I'll let you guys know how I get on!

05/27/10 08:02 AM
Sounds like ya had a good session Jim, well done man..nice looking fish ya have there!

05/19/10 04:29 PM
Nice fish, jim.

05/19/10 04:28 PM
Caught a nice fat 12 pounder, sorry no picture. Nice catch for first fish of the year.

05/18/10 07:07 AM

05/18/10 07:07 AM

05/18/10 07:07 AM
3 commons in about 2 hours plus the one that got away!

05/10/10 05:50 PM
Over the last year I got many questions on carp fishing.

How do I get into it?
Are there special rigs?
Do I need that?
I thought they were trash..
Really, they get that big?
Etc etc..

As the weather has gotten warmer and the fish have been becoming more active it is a great time to host the first workshop of the year. It will take place at River Bend Farm (http://www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/central/blst.htm) in Uxbridge Ma on Saturday June 5th, from 10 am till whenever.

This is a workshop geared toward those who have fished before but may never have gone after carp. We will cover a variety of subjects including but not limited to :

Carp History
Carp Ecology and Habits
Fish Care
Gear and Kit
Casting and Presentation
and More!

This is a free workshop and will be put on by National Parks Service Volunteers and Members of Blackstone Carp. There is no registration but if you plan to attend feel free to post here and keep this thread (http://www.mafishfinder.com/phpBB2/june-5th-carpin-workshop-2010-t2983.html) bumped Wink.

The majority of the workshop will take place on the banks and there will be fishing done. In accordance with Massachusetts law you are required to have a license if you are over the age of 15. We ask that you bring your own rods/reels spooled with at least 12 lb test line, food and drinks. We will provide materials for tying rigs, bait and other misc items.

For more information, visit the events Section of www.blackstonecarp.com. If you have any question please post them here and I will answer then as quickly as possible. I hope to see many of you there!

04/13/10 12:56 PM
Merrimack has been good with a few nice catches this past weekend. I had a heck of a fight with this magnificent 25 lb 4 oz beaut!

03/19/10 11:56 AM
Been out a few. Still been hit or miss in some spots..smoking in others. Recent rains swelling natural food sources and still cold waters to blame for randomness but good fishing over all. Officiall;y spring this weekend and things are really gonna start getting crazy. Wishing everyone a good 2010 season, let us get some big ole fish to banks!

Just got myself a new PB, granted not huge and not a carp but a great fish none the less.. :) it came in at 3 pounds even beating my last one which was roughly 2.2 pounds.

03/07/10 01:33 PM
I just need to go "Carpin". I have used the Bank fishing set up last year and it is well worth the money, and if anyone wants fishing company please let me know. Hope to have some nice pics to post soon.

03/01/10 12:00 PM
How is everyone's carp fishing going so far this season? If anybody wants to get out on the water and fish for some carp just send me a message and we can meet up. I'm always looking for new company fishing

02/20/10 06:58 PM
Agreed, Carp are a great fight and a lot of fun to go after.

Having some great winter session out on the banks..just landed this beaut of a 20 pound mirror today!

Anyone else getting out and enjoying the brisk weather?

02/04/10 05:53 AM
You got that right Pop..... That's a very good fish! I can't wait for spring now that I live right across the street from the Merrimack!!! ;)

01/25/10 04:47 AM
There is no question about it . . . pound for pound, carp are the best battler in fresh-water. My personal best is a 27.5 pounder caught in the Connecticut River.

01/11/10 08:08 AM
Anyone having any luck lately? Whats working?

I just had my first session of the new year on Saturday. managed a small fat 6 lber..least I think it was 6 pounds as my weigh bag was frozen solid so I was only guessing!

Coffee and Black Pepper flavors have been working for me pretty constant this winter..with some smattering of a heavy fish/scopex flavored dark ground bait.

01/07/10 05:43 AM
Heh, I know what you mean and thank you. I like the abundance of the Mmack and the ease since my friend Simon lives in NH it is a simple middle ground meeting spot.

I have, over the past few months, met quite a few "groups" on its banks, and yeah I hear what your saying and it is a shame.

This year I am hoping to get much more Blackstone fishing in for our videos and I would love to hit the CT river and since I started getting my RI license have been dying to get on Tiogue(sp?) Lake.

Fishing has, of course been slow lately. Pulled a few nice mirrors from the Uxbridge area in Decembe, on a dough flavored with coffee and black pepper, but outside of that haven't had much. Unfortunately I do not know of any warm water inflows on the Blackstone, leaving the areas I do know which are at least un-frozen very slow going if at all.

It is nice having some time away from volunteer stuff but I am anxious for spring!

01/06/10 11:20 AM
thanks for the warm welcome. sorry if my comments on the mmack seemed abrasive. just kind of tired of seeing so much about it from so many sources. it's a great place, but has become a war zone between differing personalities and you seem like a good guy. like to see more about more local stuff.

01/06/10 04:50 AM
Welcome Kevin and great to see you here. Many of the things I have read or websites I visited to learn about spots and carpin New England have mentioned some of your great fish.

I agree bout the drama, myself and some others let our ego's get the better of us..we are human after all...I believe it is all behind us now though.

With the new year hopefully we can get back on track and get some awesome fish to the banks all around!

01/05/10 08:53 AM
to all, new to this site. not new to carp .
fished for them whole life and exclusively for the last 20 years. got all euro-style about 10 years go and havn't looked back.
some some squabbling on the posts. don't do it. it's been the fall of many other sites out there.
always willing to share and lend a hand
Kevin W.

10/08/09 03:46 PM
That's cool.... Just don't expect any more help from me. I don't always expect help back from people but when I'm in need of help I'd hope that someone would show a little appreciation once in a while and help me out back. I agree that he shouldn't have done what he did but I can't control him not to mention I had no idea what was going on till 2 days after you 2 were argueing about everything. I wasn't trying to single you and Simon out either.... I was just telling you that I wasn't sure if I'd be helping anyone out anymore since no-one is ever willing to help me when I need it. I mean no disrespect toward either of you.... I just need help and can't seem to find any!

09/29/09 05:27 PM
Meh Dogfish was a disrespectful child and he got a well deserved boot, I dun think he is someone you should thank but it isn't my place.

I don't fault you for wanting someone to fish with..BUT I am saying that chances are it won't be me. Dunno why anyone needed to get all bunched up about that.

I dunno what your issues are and I wish ya the best, I am choosy who I fish with and there are reasons I choose who I choose. Hopefully you'll find your buddy, and maybe we can hook up someday to fish a bit, take of that what you will but I work my arse off to fish and for fishing. I'm looking for fun not extra work right now.

09/29/09 03:17 PM
Thanx for the support Dogfish...... I never wanted any trouble to start on here. Eric and Simon, all I was saying to the both of you was that I have always helped out anyone I could on this site in any way I could. Helping others isn't about always expecting it back... Ok, I'll give ya that. The difference here is that I'm in need of help right now which the 2 of you aren't, and now that I'm asking for help, I can't find any! All I'm trying to find right now is a fishing "BUDDY" that would be willing to help me by picking me up sometime and allowing me to show them a hotspot or 2 for just about any species you can think of. It doesn't even have to be Carp.... It can be Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Pike, Lake Trout, Salmon, etc..... You name it and I'm willing to bet I know hotspots for that particular species! I don't think I'm asking for much considering I'm offering to give up some of my knowledge in return for some transportation. I have both my NH and my Mass licenses so either state is fine with me!

09/29/09 03:16 PM
Thanx for the support Dogfish...... I never wanted any trouble to start on here. Eric and Simon, all I was saying to the both of you was that I have always helped out anyone I could on this site in any way I could. Helping others isn't about always expecting it back... Ok, I'll give ya that. The difference here is that I'm in need of help right now which the 2 of you aren't, and now that I'm asking for help, I can't find any! All I'm trying to find right now is a fishing "BUDDY" that would be willing to help me by picking me up sometime and allowing me to show them a hotspot or 2 for just about any species you can think of. It doesn't even have to be Carp.... It can be Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Pike, Lake Trout, Salmon, etc..... You name it and I'm willing to bet I know hotspots for that particular species! I don't think I'm asking for much considering I'm offering to give up some of my knowledge in return for some transportation. I have both my NH and my Mass licenses so either state is fine with me!

09/28/09 04:38 PM
Hey Bedlem maybe we should start our own carp group.....
You know it will have far less negativity.....

09/28/09 04:16 PM
Dogfish this is about sharing good times fishing..
Not getting twisted out of shape with fellow fishermen .....
Just take a breathe mate ?

09/27/09 04:03 PM
YOu're just full of sarcasm, aren't you?

let's see if anyone comes to your aid when you're in need you dumb ass

09/27/09 03:50 PM
Meh..if you bother to read it all..which I know is hard for you...It isn't, including the nice

"Hopefully you'll get your things in order and get back on the water soon"

Which I still think would be a good laugh to hear what the "issues" were, but meh I'm starting to bore of this..hopefully it all gets sorted soon.

09/27/09 03:38 PM
Gee, you don't find this snippit offensive?

"It stinks that you can't travel but thems the bumps I guess."

You seem to enjoy other people's misfortunes, don't you?

09/27/09 03:28 PM
Oo physical threats..I think there are laws against that sort of thing.

And really..dissing. Lets be honest here..why do you take it so personally when it was said to "someone else"..and please feel free at any time to point out what was negative.

09/27/09 03:26 PM
well, maybe you need to be more honest rather than dissing the people who helped start this group..I will not sit back and watch a lazy deadbeat who doesn't have to work for a living diss my brothers in this group. Just be thankful you're not within arms reach of me

09/27/09 03:14 PM
Heh..nice. I suppose ows just how much of a stand up guy you are. There are reasons I choose to hang out with some people and not others..cleary these types of attitudes would be one of those reasons.

09/27/09 03:00 PM
With all due respect. You're giving people the run around here. you tell Carpmaster you want to meet up when you're in the area and then you go off and invite other people but you don't want to help this guy who has helped you out by starting this group.

I don't like the lecture you gave him either..Let's see how you like it if you ever can't get around you f***ing skumbag

09/27/09 02:52 PM
haha..now thats funny! Please look over the posts here before you go pointing fingers at anyone. I had nothing negative in my post, but please judge on.

09/27/09 09:27 AM
Hey carpmaster,

I frequent that area and would be interested in hooking up.


I don't think Carpmaster created this group for the sake of being helped out. it sounds like you have way too much time on your hands to be posting hostile messages towards the founder of this group.

09/22/09 03:57 PM
Thought you guys might dig it. Am writing a story as part of a collaberation, will get more details on here as it gets closer to being finished but I wanted to submit some pics with it and dug up these old ones and got em scanned into my machine.

Funny to see myself 10 or so years ago..

09/21/09 05:16 PM
Meh I help a lot of people cause I want to, it isn't about whether or not they help back. As far as someone to pick you up, sorry man but that's a hike for many of us. Most times I fish I spend 1-2 hours in the car first..I'm really not wanting to add another hour or so on to that. Not to mention , trust me when I say I couldn't fit anything else in my car most days.

It stinks that you can't travel but thems the bumps I guess. I have two licenses already so adding another state is out for me as well. Hopefully you'll get your things in order and get back on the water soon, but I don't think depending on others is gonna pan out too well.

On another note our derby went well..woot!

09/15/09 01:10 PM
I know it's quiet in here Bedlem, sorry..... I haven't been able to do much fishing this year. I've been trying to find some people to pick me up and team up with me to do some carping but no-one has done it yet so until that happens, don't count on page input from me! It aggravates me when people want me to help them and I do but no-one will help me! I think I'm gonna stop sharing my secrets with everyone now!

09/14/09 07:04 PM
Nice fish there Bedlem.

Good job to the camera guy too !!!

09/09/09 05:53 PM
Quiet in here..whats everyone up to?

08/21/09 06:10 AM
Watched the video on your profile as well..Very nice. Looks like a great time!

08/20/09 04:17 PM
Very nice Flygirl...I must say I am jealous heh..I tried my hand at fly fishing and quite frankly I stink! Out of a canoe no less..you have someone to paddle or did you go for a ride?

08/20/09 01:34 PM
That's not a huge Common Carp there but definitely still a nice one! One day I'd like to try to catch some out of Champlain myself!

08/20/09 05:58 AM
oh..that would be Carp on the Fly by the way! Fought me for about 20 mins!!!

08/20/09 05:56 AM
My first carp! Out of Lake Champlain last weekend.

08/14/09 04:32 AM
September is fast approaching and with it our annual carp derby!
http://www.mafishfinder.com/phpBB2/september-13th-annual-carp-derby-t2152.html has all the details!

08/04/09 06:27 PM
Yeah, I keep meaning to, I do..its just I tend to get addled planning a bunch of things over the course of a week and end up forgetting half of anything.

Thanks..the website is coming along, I think traffic will really pick up after the derby though. We have a few upcoming events that will advertise more and get the site out there. Once that happens I'm hoping a good number of folks will hang around.

it is always good to have people around to talk carp with and what not.

08/04/09 12:52 PM
I guess you did Eric...... I have to say that the website looks pretty good so far. Nice videos by the way..... Hopefully next time you and Simon decide to head out carp fishing in the Lowell area, you'll let me know ahead of time so I can join ya's and show ya's some other spots so the 2 of you don't have to go around searching for them.

08/01/09 03:19 PM
Hey Eric, Did ya have any luck when you came up to the Merrimack? Where along the river did you go? I wish you would've gave me a heads up cause I would've met up with ya. If you ever want to head up to the Merrimack again just let me know ahead of time so we can meet up and I can show you some of the best spots to catch carp in the Merrimack!

08/01/09 03:16 PM
Hey Camlee..... When you go to the bridge next to the mouth of the Nashua River, go on the other side of the bridge and park along the road that is on the other side of the Merrimack so that when you go down the hill to the shoreline you have to look directly across the Merrimack to see the Nashua! There is atleast 1 spot down there where you can get access and it should be do-able for the kids as well. Another good spot on the Merrimack in Nashua is if you know where the conveinience store called "Kirkpatricks" is on Concord Street...... When you get to Kirkpatricks, go down the side road on the side of the store and follow it to the bottom of the hill. At the bottom of the hill is a big curve in the road and if you look straight ahead of you as you are just about to the bottom of the hill, there is a dirt road there that heads toward the right. Drive your vehicle down the dirt road and you'll see a nice opening on your left side. This spot is a good spot for Carp as well as Smallmouth Bass!

07/29/09 08:55 AM
Sweet man, very nice fish..now you'll have me thinking on who was using Wheaties in my spot! Haha. Was that this past Sunday (the 26th), if so how was the river? I slinked off to the Merrimac since the Blackstone was roaring over the weekend.

07/29/09 06:01 AM
i went to tri river on Sunday spent about four hours there with out a hit? along came a fisherman with a box of Wheaties i watched him for about five min and he was hooked up! he told me to get my gear and try Wheaties ten min later i hooked into this pig!!!!

07/27/09 04:37 AM
What a great website so far! I've been checking it out for about a week now and I must say it's put together very well! From what I can tell you do have to join to view the videos but hey it was free so why not!! Keep up the great work Eric!

07/26/09 03:42 PM
Also want to let everyone know we finally got www.blackstonecarp.com up and working. It is still a young site and will take some time to flush out but if anyone is interested in what has been happening, there are videos, a photo gallery, forums,an events calender etc.

07/26/09 03:41 PM
Just a heads up sort of post. Been looking at many areas of the Blackstone and the river has been fairly high, quite a few places that have been unfishable due to current, river rising etc. Supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow as well so could be bad for a few days yet...

07/22/09 01:52 PM
Well stopped under the bridge in Nashua again to see if I could coax out a carp or two. Again not even a nibble if I didn't have the kids I could have tried the mouth of the Nashua river. I bet they are hanging out there. Oh well any day fishing is a good one!

07/20/09 04:24 AM
You know I've never tried under that bridge. What's the best way to access that spot? Do you go thru the industial park or behind Sam's club? I'll check it out mabey tomorrow or later this week. I have stuff going on today otherwise I'd love to go! I work second shift so I'm usually free during the day.

07/20/09 01:13 AM
Hey Camlee, That is a pretty good spot near the mouth of the Nashua River by the bridges that connect Nashua to Hudson by E. Hollis St. but if you're looking for an even better spot along the Merrimack try going underneath the other bridge in Hudson by Walmart that you take to get onto Rt.3. Try there along the right side of the bridge if you're coming from walmart....... Just ask Bassrat68..... His photo of him and a 12 pound Common Carp that he caught down there a few weeks ago was on the front cover of the July edition of "The Hawkeye" if you don't already know it's a free NH fishing and hunting newspaper that you can pick up at the fishing section of any NH walmart location. That's why he just joined the group cause after I saw the photo I located him on another site and suggested he come on here with us. I also know of an even better spot near there but it's not in the Merrimack..... I can't give that one up unless you want to go there together. Just let me know.... I'm supposed to be going there later today!

07/17/09 02:32 PM
Hello everyone it's good to find a site like this. Any know if carp fishing the Merrimack river where the Nashua river dumps into it is still a good spot? I went down today for a few hours on the right side Nashua side of the bridges and had no luck not even a nibble. I was using good ole canned corn.

07/17/09 11:41 AM
corn works everywhere. god bless those stalks.

07/16/09 05:14 PM
Hey Carpman...... According to Dave Pickering of CAG, Lake Mashapaug in Cranston is a pretty good carp spot where corn and doughballs work pretty well!

07/16/09 01:54 AM
Yeah, I thought you might have checked it Carpman, but it was better to post then not. I just figured just reading his thing might give you an idea where he fishes and such. Like I said my experience is limited but anywhere along the Blackstone..well it is the Seekonk down that far but north toward Lincoln it is the Blackstone.

West side of Providence as well I know your state record comes from Tiogue lake in the Kent area. Outside of that though I really dun have much idea.

07/14/09 10:00 AM
Hey Carpman..... Have you done the advanced search on here for waterbodies containing Common or Mirror Carp? I just did an advanced search and found about 7 different waterbodies in RI that have Common Carp in them. Check it out if you haven't already. I'm not familiar with RI so I can't help you too much. If I come across any info I'll be sure to let you know!

07/14/09 09:54 AM
CARPTS ultra-challenge 6th Annual Tournament of Champions:

If there is anyone interested in taking a trip to Hartford Connecticut for a Carp Tournament...... Make sure you go to CTFishFinder and go to the tackle box to check out the Carp tournament I just posted on there. The tournament is 100% free and open to the public. It will be a multiple day event starting on October 13th at 4pm and ending on October 17th at 10am. Contact info is listed on the page.

07/13/09 01:26 PM
Yea I've checked out their website, it's one of the first places I went before I first started fishing for carp. I'm not looking for expert advise or anything, just some spots where anyone's had any luck at all. Especially around East Providence(close to it). I'm itching to get out there..its awful.

07/13/09 01:19 PM
Yea I've checked out their website, it's one of the first places I went before I first started fishing for carp. I'm not looking for expert advise or anything, just some spots where anyone's had any luck at all. Especially around East Providence(close to it). I'm itching to get out there..its awful.

07/13/09 07:38 AM
Carpman..... Bedlem is absolutely right..... If you are looking for carp spots in Rhode Island, there are no better people to ask then the Carp Anglers Group. I keep in touch with a few of them from Massachusetts and have got a fair amount of tips from them in the past. Check out their website sometime so you can read some of their articles and what not. Just as Bedlem already said, they charge you to become a member of CAG which I won't do either but they do know what they're talking about!

07/08/09 05:50 PM
Hey Carpman, my experience in RI has been limited, I have a license but live in Ma so I fish mostly up here. However you can check out http://www.ricarpfishing.blogspot.com/ which is the blog of a member of the CAG in RI, while I may have issues with the idea of a "pay to fish" or "unionized" carp group, many of the members are good people and if anyone could lead you in the right direction it would be this guy.

07/08/09 09:22 AM
Anybody fish mainly in Rhode Island at all? If so let me know of some good spots. I've got my own but still always good for more. My favorite spot is only a few miles from my house, loaded with carp there. I catch anything from 5-15 pounds. Though I see much bigger fish swimming, I haven't been lucky enough to catch them yet. I'm sure they could be upwards of 25 pounds easy. All I do is chum with a few handfuls of cornmeal or wheaties only about 15 feet out. Within 20 minutes the water is boiling with carp. Usually fish with 10lb test to make it fun, they run out to the middle of the lake before I even get a chance to start pulling them in! Sliding sinkers, leaders, swivels and a nice hook are all I have used for 3 years and it works every time, so whenever someone says simple is best, listen to them. Next time I go I'll post a picture or 2.

07/07/09 08:23 AM
Here's a good carp bait recipe for you to try:

5 pounds of millet
1 16 oz.(1 pint) bottle of clear corn syrup (I use Karo)
5 packs of strawberry Kool-Aid
1 bottle of Wild Strawberry R&W Carp Juice
1 quart Jar of Wheat Germ (can use 1 box of wheat brand)
1 small bag of all purpose flour
1 medium sized bucket
Pour millet, wheat germ, and Kool-Aid in a medium size bucket and mix together. Then add about 3-5 cap fulls of R&W Wild Strawberry Carp Juice to the mix and stir really good. This WILL STAIN YOUR HANDS RED!!! Now pour the entire bottle of syrup into the mix and stir until completely mixed together. Mixture will be very moist and sticky to the touch. Now start adding the flour little by little until the mix is consistent enough to pack into balls(Normally about half the small bag of flour is the right amount).

Let the mixture set for at least 1 day prior to fishing although the longer it sets the better. This mixture will stay sticky when packed into bait balls but break within 5 minutes if not before then if made right. Be sure to put a lid on the bucket you mixed it in so that it doesn't dry out or pour it in a good ziplock bag and seal. This bait will keep for a very long time in cool temperatures like a basement or crawl space.

NOTE: Too much flour will result in a dry mix that WILL NOT PACK AND THROW!!!

07/07/09 08:10 AM
To anyone out there that has never tried eating carp I posted some new recipes for them the other day. I never have myself because most of the ponds/lakes/rivers around here that hold carp are pretty nasty. I do know that many states encourage people to keep the carp they catch especially in the areas of the Mississippi River, Missouri River, and The Great Lakes. They especially encourage people to target the asian carp that have invaded a few key water bodies and are close to invading the great lakes if the haven't already. The asian carp are the one's you see on tv that just go crazy by having hundreds of them all jumping out of the water at the same time and causing some serious injurys because they're just jumping right into people's boats and sometimes jumping literall right at peoples faces and knocking people down or off the boat. If you have any interest in trying to eat some carp just check out my recipes. There is also some carp fillet dealers out in the area of the 2 rivers also. If you're having trouble landing your own carp you can look up one of those fish dealers and have some shipped to you on dry ice. Here are some of the companies the sell carp meat retail:

Finer Meat Co.
3747 Nicollet Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55409-1236
(612) 823-4494

Engh’s Fish Market
4100 State Rd 35
Genoa, WI 54632
(608) 689-2394
(smoked only)

Mohn’s Fish Market
1140 Great River Rd.
Harpers Ferry, IA 52146
(563) 586-2269

Valley Fish Market
304 S. Prairie St.
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
(608) 326-4719

Fish R Us
7634 Rt. 84
Savanna, IL 61074
(815) 273-3277

Schaeffer Fisheries
21985 Waller Rd.
Fulton, IL 61252

07/07/09 07:51 AM
Sooner: Your more than welcome man..... That's why I started the group. I couldn't believe that there were no carp groups yet. Just like Bedlem already said. 10 pounds is a good fish average wise. The average carp in new england tends to be anywhere between 10-15 pounds. They do get much bigger though. The Massachusetts state record if 44 pounds and New Hampshire is 40 I believe. So there definitely are some big boys out there, you just have to find them.

Jim: I just sent you a PM answering your questions and I hope they help..... As far as the shrimp bait is concerened I agree 100% with Bedlem. I'm not exactly sure what shrimp bait you're referring to either but carp will definitely eat shrimp or any other kind of crustacean. Any kind of food that has a pretty good sweet or salty taste is usually pretty good since Carp rely heavily on there sense of smell and taste. The eyesight is pretty poor so you should try to find something that you think tastes good and hope the carp feel the same way.

Bedlem is absolutely right..... Whenever you can pre-bait the area it'll up your chances of catching carp.

07/06/09 07:40 AM
Hey guys, glad to see some of you getting into some carp..Bull that stinks always hate to get skunked..did you pre-bait the area? Or chum the day you fished it? I've found that river fishing especially it helps to pre-bait at least the night before, but maybe even a couple days during the week before you fish..with so much water anything you can do to up the chances of carp staying in your swim is key to a good catch rate. If I fish a new section of any river, say on Saturday..then I will go Wednesday and Friday to pre-bait, then lightly chum early Saturday while I set up my poles.Getting the carp to associate that area with free food can turn a no fish day into a "can't keep a pole in the water" day. Is it necessary to do it? No, but at least in theory it should help. Sadly I haven't fished the Charles much and can't give any real specific info :(

Sooner, awesome! I'm always happy to hear that something I posted worked or helped out. 10 pounds is a good fish, do they get bigger, yeah but I'm happy with any carp I catch be it 4 pounds or 40! Really glad you enjoyed it and look forward to seeing more fish from you in the future :).

Jim, Carp fishing is great around that time. If your allowed to chum the area I would suggest doing it a bit the night before so you stand a better chance since it seems you can only fish a short time there. I have had some great fish in the early morning though and many people won't go fishing in the afternoon swearing only by early or evening hours. As far as shrimp bait goes, I do not know which bait you are referring too, but I will say that shrimp flavor should work. In fact my friends and I from the Blackstone Carp videos are working on a new boilie bait, and one of the flavors is shrimp ( which we are calling shrimplies cause they are a shrimp boilie) and we caught quite a few carp on them in our first test run of the bait. Carp in nature love crayfish and shrimp isn't that far of a stretch from them.

07/06/09 04:58 AM
i got a few questions for anyone who can awsener them... i got a spot where i have seen 5-6 20 lb. plus (common) carp, people where feeding them at a private place where you cannot fish at, but the rest of the lake you can as long as you go early in the morning.... is carp fishing good around 6AM- 9AM, and i found some shrimp carp bait, any body kno if it works??

07/01/09 10:56 AM
Just went on my first carp fishing trip last night to Hefner Lake in OKC. Figured I wouldn't get a big one first time out, cause I mixed up a batch of bait and didnt know if I did it right or not, no experience with finding carp, etc. So I used my bass rod with 15 lb test and a light mitchell spin reel (open bail), a bobber (lots of snags in that lake) and a dough hook with some of bedlems basic jello and cornmeal bait. Thank you Bedlem for all the good advice, and thank you carpmaster for the link to this group. 10lb carp first one and it fought like a demon! Not big by the standards I'm seeing on the posts, but on that light tackle it was the most fun I;ve had since I last salmon fished back home in Oregon.!!!!

06/20/09 07:21 PM
Hey Bullshark..... I've actually never got to fish the Charles unfortuneately but from what I hear from another group of Carp anglers that I know is that a very hotspot along the Charles for Carp (Common or Mirror) is along the Cambridge Basin. There are a few Tributaries around there which are the spots you want to try. As long as there is a nice tributary at the spot there's a very good chance that there will be carp around eating on whatever dumps out of it!!!

06/20/09 05:19 PM
Has anyone actually had luck at the Charles River? I went today and tried two spots, 1). over in Brighton by Soldiers Field Road and over in Newton, behind the Marriot on Comm Ave and got skunked both times.

06/16/09 02:49 PM
i have been fishing for carp for about 30 year. my favorite spot is doug pond in natick. merrimac river in lowell behind the big post office. south end pond in millis off rt 115 all of these spots hold very nice carp. 15lbs and up. for a good time grab a ultra lite rod head to wellsely res its down the street from babson college of rt135 the place is loaded with carp most avg5-8lbs with some pigs.not a bad bass fishing hole ether.can fish from shore or small boat

06/10/09 02:27 PM
Hey Bullshark..... Bedlem is absolutely right. I have 2 carp rods that are the exact same size as the one you have although I have 20 pound test on each of them.

06/02/09 03:39 PM
Just had some good luck in Lincoln RI using a quick grits bases pack bait with corn pops on the hook. I posted a trip on it with a rough run down of the recipe.

05/29/09 03:35 PM
I use wheaties cereal for bait. Just take a handful and squeeze them in the water until they become like a dough ball and completely cover the hook. Thanks this is a great message board.

05/26/09 02:52 PM
We just had our Fish and Ride event..weather was kind of iffy for the most part but there was some good action. Only one fish was landed but there was 4 other runs that were missed, the kids fought well but in the end they were just a bit inexperienced.

05/21/09 05:45 AM
i was out carp fishing yesterday and got one.. only a 10 lber haha got it on a peice of buttered roll.. hahha but anyway has anyone been goin

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