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Bluefish with Red Sauce Recipe for Bluefish

Title: Bluefish with Red Sauce
by masterb8tr
Type: Entree
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 10
Cook Time: 30
Ingredients: Fresh bluefish fillets, skin off
Jarred Pasta sauce, any flavor
Salt and pepper.
Directions: Cover casserole pan with tin foil, coat lightly in non-stick cooking spray, lay fillets in bottom and season with salt and pepper. Cover fillets with pasta sauce of your choosing and bake in 400-425 degree oven for 15-20 minutes depending on size of fillet.
Other Notes: Pasta sauce/tomato sauce will remove some of the oils that cause bluefish to be fishy. Best bet is to use freshly caught fish. Also bleed, gill and gut fish directly after catching to maximize freshness.
Date Added: 08/27/08 08:09 AM

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